School of Worship: Khmer Worship

Two of my favorite worship songs that we learned during our time at UofN Battambang! The pronunciation was written by some of our students and it was so helpful to have during worship times and community events.

ព្រះយេស៊ូ Jesus - Life Band

English Translation:

Verse 1
To the earth You humbly came,
the King of kings to take my place
On the cross You died for me,
shed your blood to set me free

Jesus, Jesus

Verse 2
When I look upon Your face,
all I see is love and grace
The name of Jesus Christ our King,
Oh my soul will ever sing

I am healed, my soul set free
My chains are gone, you love me Lord

Khmer Pronunciation

Verse 1

Preah ang yeang mork leu loka
Trung Chia khsat tra tor toul bab Khjom
Leu chheu chhkang So kut chous khjom
Daouy Preah Lo het Khjom mean serey

Preah Yesu, Preah Yesu

Verse 2
Pel Khjom SomLeung Merl Preah Pheak Trung
Khergn kdey Srolunch Howy ning Preah kun
Proleung Khjom nung sreik chreang tha
Prea Neam orsja keu moha khsat yeung

Khjom ban chea Khjom mean serey
Chrowack Khjom Phdaach Trung srolunch khjom
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh

ខ្ញុំចង់នៅក្បែរព្រះអម្ចាស់ Lord I Want To Be with You

English Translation:


You hold me in Your hand,
Surround me with Your love
Let your grace overflow into my life
Lord I want to be with You


Holy Spirit You are here
Holy Spirit You are near
Sanctify us with your grace and love
Lord I want to be with You

Khmer Pronunciation


som trong kan khjom knong preah hoat
houm puon khjom daoy tei snai
ouy preah kun trong hou leu chivet , nai khjom
khjom cheng nui khbai preah amchea


preah vinhean trong kong ti nih
preah vinhean trong kong nui chet
sraoch srong yeung daoy preah kong nung khbai snai
khjom cheng nui khbai preah amchea

Janeth Ng

Chinazolana who loves Jesus, missions, and design.

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